[Enter your intro copy here - erase this and start typing! Your intro copy should be a brief (1-2 sentences) introduction to the rest of the page content.]

FY20 Contributor’s report


Objective: Because of COVID, this year presents us with the good opportunity to publish the Contributors Report online. This should be housed on campaign.oxy.edu.



  • Donor honor roll (lists which in total is about 6500 names - see below for details)

  • Donor stories

  • Volunteer lists


Site example:




What we like about this site:

  • See complete list of classes

  • Able to click on class year and see full list of donors and new window pops up

  • Identify donor recognition superscript symbols with footnote explanation (deceased, loyalty, pres circle)

  • Can search names in all lists and in specific lists (class, volunteer, etc)

  • Can filter by giving society by class list only

  • Includes Give Button


What we don’t need:

  • Data on total donors, participation and funds raised by class

  • Ability to sort the data based on these parameters


Further clarification on requirements:

  • Most important requirement is to have a clickable list of class years that can expand to include full donor lists for each year.

    • In future years we hope to add participation levels for each class and reunion class giving totals, but will not have this data at launch

    • Participation levels and reunion class giving totals do not need to show on the full list of class years - only need this to show when you click on an individual class

  • Must have the ability to tag donors with donor recognition levels, which will be indicated visually with icons on the front end

  • We will have all of this data in a spreadsheet, and would like the ability to import this data on the campaign website so that we do not have to manually create nodes for thousands of donors

    • Content type should include fields that we don’t currently have data for but anticipate having in the future, e.g. giving level

  • Must be able to tie donors to story nodes on the campaign website. There should be some sort of visual indicator on donors that have a corresponding story, and users should be able to click from the donor name to the longer story when applicable

    • Might consider adding a new field to the story content type to map them to donors

    • Would also like to be able to curate featured stories for each class year using the existing story rotator paragraph (should support a single story or multiple stories)

  • See below for additional requirements

What we’d like to add:

  • Visually appealing landing/intro page - ideally utilizing existing campaign functionality and paragraph types

  • Intro letter from volunteer leader

  • Giving stories with images and copy, within the class list. Ability to add story rotator to individual class lists

  • Other content sections (reunion, oxy fund, etc)

  • Include news stories at bottom (feed of latest articles like on homepage)


Additional functionality for near future:

  • Break down by giving levels - an additional tag/taxonomy variable that can be added for each donor

    • Would also then want the ability to filter by giving levels

  • Reunion class giving totals - when you click on the class list for that year

  • Participation levels for each class year - can potentially use existing bar chart functionality on campaign site


Landing page organization:

  • Photo and copy “tiles” like home page to direct user to each section - 8-10 total sections, multiple lists in each section - can achieve with existing functionality

    • E.g.: Giving societies (tile)

    • Lists - Campaign, Leadership society, BCS


Other mandatories:

  • List data is brought in through excel sheet

  • Edits can be made in real time - we will be able to make them in Drupal once data is imported

    • We will have a new data sheet to import every year

  • Superscripts are coded (data from excel, site translates to symbol)

  • List details:

    • 6000-6500 total donor names

    • Volunteer lists

    • List of endowed funds

    • Additional lists TBC

  • Donor lists needs to be print-ready - all users must be able to print clean versions directly from the website


  • Site ready to test/input data by Sept 1

  • Live by Oct 1


Budget: $5-10K TBC