A reminder of required COVID testing protocols as we welcome students back from Spring Break.
Dear Oxy Community,
As we welcome students back from Spring Break, we want to remind everyone of the required COVID testing happening this week in the AGC, from 8 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Student COVID testing schedule, by last name:
A-E - Monday 03/14
F-K - Tuesday 03/15
L-Q - Wednesday 03/16
R-Z - Thursday 03/17
Additional Health & Safety Updates:
We continue to monitor our campus and community positivity rates, and receive guidance from Dr. Kim Shriner '80 and Los Angeles County Public Health.
Oxy’s indoor masking guidelines remain in effect at least through this week (03/14-03/20), as we assess campus positivity rates post-Spring Break.
Please continue to wear a high-quality mask indoors (surgical mask, KN95, N95).
Any Oxy community members with vaccination exemptions are still required to test twice weekly.
As always, any Oxy community member can opt-in for weekly testing.
We will continue to keep the Oxy community apprised of the latest updates to our masking guidelines, in consideration of Los Angeles County recommendations and campus positivity rates identified by this week's testing.
Thank you,
Devon Sakamoto, Assistant Dean of Students for Emmons Wellness Center
COVID Operations Group (COG)
Harry J. Elam, Jr., President
Sharla Fett, Faculty Council President, Professor of American History
Rob Flot, Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students
Amos Himmelstein, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Nora Kahn, General Counsel
Devon Sakamoto, Assistant Dean of Students for Emmons Wellness Center
Marty Sharkey, Vice President of Communications & Institutional Initiatives
Wendy Sternberg, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College
James Uhrich, Vice President for Information Technology Services & Chief Information Officer