Oxy Ecossentials, ECON 201 Sustainability Lab, and the Office of Sustainability present: Touchdown Thrift @ the Concession Stand! Selling gently-used academic supplies, dorm essentials, clothes, textbooks, and more! $1-10 per item.
Touchdown will be holding a sale on Friday, January 24th from 12 to 3pm, where we will be selling gently used academic supplies, dorm essentials, clothes at our new on-campus and permanent thrift shop, located at the Concession Stand across from the Bengal Room!
Continuing Ecossentials’ textbook program, check out our new catalog of donated textbooks that can be reserved before the sale. Reserved textbook books can be picked up on Friday right after the main sale (between 3-4:30pm) on the Stearns patio (access from Emmons Rd.).
To request a book: Check our catalog (https://cloud.clz.com/touchdownthrift/books) and fill out this form to reserve a book (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvDXQXhc6cR08YgkfBB8HzyKSMa1OUICyug6jj-z9hOp584w/viewform?usp=header).
Please be sure to search book titles, as not all books are sorted by subject area. If you don’t see your book, check back in a few days as we are still updating the catalog!
Generally books are $5 and textbooks are $10; however, the price may be reduced depending on condition.
We accept payment via Student Account, PayPal, or cash.
Check out @sustainableoxy on Instagram for more information on these move-in sales and the thrift shop. Please feel free to contact ecossentials@oxy.edu with any questions!