Career Peer Adviser

Major: kinesiology; minor: Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies

I love the small size of Oxy because I am able to walk around and see so many familiar faces. You really get to know everyone on campus even the professors. I got into chemistry research because my professor needed help and knew me well enough to trust me taking over a project. I'm also involved with sports, research, and different clubs on campus: Womxn's Rugby, Planned Parenthood, Boundless Brilliance, QTPOC, SAGA, and Chemistry research. QTPOC, which provides me a space for me to be myself and be around those with the same identity as me. The rugby team is my second family and they all inspire me daily. Also the campus is beautiful. My mom told me I was going to school in the forest the first time she visited.

I enjoy being a CPA because I am able to help students with the skills I gained here at HCC. Everyone I know on campus is involved with so many different things but they are so humble about it. Being a CPA I get to hear my peers' stories as well as demonstrate to them how amazing they are. I know how nerve racking and anxiety provoking planning your future can be, but ending a meeting and having them tell you they feel much better just makes me happy.