Dean’s Award Winners 2024
Each year, the Dean of Students recognizes seniors who, through their involvement on and off campus, embody Oxy’s four pillars of Equity, Excellence, Community and Service.
Occidental College's four Dean's Award winners for 2024

Keep up to date on Oxy’s latest news and events. For more information, contact the College’s Office of Marketing and Communications.

TreePeople's Lipkis Speaks on Re-Greening L.A.
Andy Lipkis, founder and president of TreePeople and a national leader in the environmental movement, spoke on the Occidental College campus on Tuesday, April 21 as the inaugural...
Udit Awarded American Chemical Society Grant
Assistant professor of chemistry Andrew K. Udit has been awarded a two-year, $50,000 American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Undergraduate New Investigator grant.
"Hair" On Stage at Keck Theater Through May 16
The Occidental College Theater Department will stage "Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical," the classic ’60s counter-culture musical, beginning Thursday, April 17.
Sherry Lansing to Speak at Commencement
Sherry Lansing, CEO of The Sherry Lansing Foundation and former chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures, will be the featured speaker at Occidental College’s 127th graduation...
Political Strategist Donna Brazile Speaks
Donna Brazile, the veteran Democratic political strategist, professor, syndicated columnist, and best-selling author, called the election of Barack Obama ’83 a "mountaintop moment"...
34 Invited to National Research Conference
For the second straight year, 34 Occidental students have been invited to the National Undergraduate Research Conference.
Jonathan Kozol to Speak at Occidental April 4
Award-winning author, teacher, and social critic Jonathan Kozol will speak on "Social Justice in Our Nation’s Separate and Unequal Schools" at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 4 at...
Pixar Producer Lindsey Collins '94 Wins Oscar
Lindsey Collins ’94 has an affection for little metal creatures—including the star of the film WALL-E, which she helped produce, and the Oscar the movie won this year for best...
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