UEPI is in its third year of participating in Choose Health LA: an initiative of the LA County Department of Public Health aimed at improving nutrition, increasing physical activity, and reducing obesity across the LA region. California has the highest rates of obesity among children ages 2-4, and these rates are disproportionately high among Latino and African-American children.  

"Water: The Healthiest Choice" is a campaign launched by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. It is aimed at parents and focuses on providing simple, straightforward information about soda, sports and juice drinks and their link to obesity and type 2 diabetes. The multilingual media campaign encourages parents to give their children water and remove sugary drinks from their diet. You can already see campaign materials at bus stops, metro stations, and other advertising locations throughout the city, and UEPI staff will be promoting the campaign in the Northeast LA region.

Contact Urban & Environmental Policy Institute

1882 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041

1541 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041