Tlatelolco poster

March 2, 7-9 pm
Choi Auditorium

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of this historic flash point, the Center for Community Based Learning, the Latino/a and Latin American Studies program of Occidental College and Avenue 50 Studio invite you join us for two nights of critical reflection. 

In 1968, Mexico saw the birth of a new student movement, but it was short lived. On Oct. 2 of that year police officers and military troops shot into a crowd of unarmed students and civilians in the Plaza de la Tres Culturas in the Mexico City neighborhood of Tlatelolco.

This will be a panel discussion about Tlatelolco ‘68 with Jose Antonio Aguirre (artist and eye witness), Dr. Denise Lugo (art historian, CSU Channel Islands), Dr. Dolores Trevizo (sociologist, Occidental Colege), moderated by Adolfo Guzmán-Lopez, education correspondent for Southern California Public Radio.


Contact Latino/a & Latin American Studies
Swan Hall 236