
Campaign Semester 2024 Information Meeting

Campaign Semester participants remain fully enrolled at Occidental and earn a full semester of college credit (16 units) for volunteering full-time in a Presidential, U.S. Senate, U.S. House, or gubernatorial campaign for 10 weeks during the fall semester. After Election Day, students return to campus and participate in a five-week seminar that involves reading and discussion in order to put their campaign work in a broader context. Join us for this information session to learn how to get involved in the 2024 election cycle. 

The Political Economy of Transnational Boycotts: Economic Activism from the Cases of BDS to Mass Incarceration and Beyond...

Dr. Dalit Baum (Ph.D., Hebrew University) is the director of the AFSC's Economic Activism Program. She is the co-founder of Who Profits from the Occupation and the Coalition of Women for Peace. She is a feminist scholar and teacher who has taught about militarism and the global economy from a feminist perspective in Israeli and U.S. universities.

Philosophy Senior Comps Presentations

Presentations include: 

Jacob Eggert: "Confidence and Insecurity in the Realm of Value"

Farrah H. Kim: "What an Absurd Life Reveals about the Afterlife"

Michael Caballero: "The Reasonability of Fearing Death: Subjective versus Objective Reasoning"

Henrik De La Torre: "How Can We Dance at the End of the World?" 

Samuel Ritmeester-Loy: "We're all in this Together: Losing Individualism in the face of Death" 

Yuriko Romer: Diamond Diplomacy

Yuriko Romer is a San Francisco-based award winning director. She will be discussing her film Diamond Diplomacy: 

"Deep devotion to the game of baseball has been tossed between the U.S. and Japan since its opening to the West in the late 1800's, and mirrors profound shifts in diplomacy between the two nations. Diamond Diplomacy charts this 150-year story revealing pivotal moments of an often-controversial duality that has existed throughout this history."