Serving as a voice for the student body, supporting students and their activities, allocating and administering funds from the student body fees, overseeing Student Services, and serving as the legislative body for all Associated Students of Occidental College.
Senate Representatives
Director of Internal Affairs / Senate Chair
Zahra Noorani
Director of External Affairs
Anna Challberg
Director of Policy
Aliza Jetha
Director of Academic Affairs
Siena Jarrin
Director of Finance / Senate Treasurer
Sabastian Luyen
Chief of Staff*
Senior Senators
James Steinberger
Mathias Correia
Junior Senators*
Norely Breceda-Mendoza
Sophomore Senators
Ozan Topalan
Satya Zamudio
Frosh Senators
Julisa Menjivar
Jasmine Smith-Hughes
*vacant positions to be filled in spring 2025
Senate Advisor
Sabrina Willison
Assistant Director of SLICE
For more about SLICE, visit