Advisory Committee

Professor Julie Prebel

Julie Prebel

Professor, American Studies; Director of Writing Center
B.A., UC Berkeley; M.A., Cal State San Francisco; Ph.D., University of Washington
Julie Prebel teaches courses in writing/composition, rhetorical theory, and cultural studies.

Affiliated Faculty


Allison de Fren

Professor, Media Arts & Culture
B.A., Grinnell College; M.P.S., New York University; Ph.D., University of Southern California
Allison de Fren is a media maker and scholar whose research-practice falls at the intersection of sexuality/gender, film/media, and science/technology, often tracing a line from contemporary representations to earlier conceptual histories and audiovisual practices.
Aleem Hossain

Aleem Hossain

Associate Professor, Media Arts & Culture
B.A., University of Chicago; M.F.A., UCLA
Aleem Hossain is a filmmaker and VR creator interested in expanding how we tell stories and who gets to tell them. He recently wrote and directed the sci-fi film After We Leave and completed an anti-bullying VR project for Google. Read his Oxy Story profile.
Will Power

Will Power

Assistant Professor, Theater & Performance Studies
B.A., San Francisco State University
Will Power is an internationally renowned playwright, performer, lyricist and educator.
Contact Interdisciplinary Writing
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Ground Floor

Julie Prebel
Associate Professor, American Studies and Writing & Rhetoric; Director of Writing Center & Programs