Welcome to campus, new transfer students! Below is a comprehensive list of everything you'll need to do before you arrive on campus in the new year. 

Important Dates and Deadlines



  • January 8: Deadline to set up e-billing with Student Business Services and add any authorized users
  • January 8: Housing assignments released by 5 p.m.
  • January 8: Attend the Spring Transfer Welcome Webinar 
  • January 8: Deadline to submit health forms to Oxy health portal
  • January 10: Deadline to RSVP for New Family Orientation Luncheon 
  • January 16: Move-in day
  • January 16-21: Spring transfer orientation
  • January 17: Advising and course registration
  • January 21: First day of classes
  • January 21: Payment due (or first payment in plan due)
  • January 22-24: Log in to myOxy portal to review and clear any holds, if applicable
  • January 28: Final deadline to waive or opt-in to health insurance plan
  • January 31: Final deadline to select or change meal plan