Answers to additional Frequently Asked Questions regarding changes to college policies. Leer en español
June 2020
Hiring Freeze FAQs
Q. If a position becomes vacant now will it not be filled?
A. Positions that become vacant over the coming year will not be filled. Any exception must be approved by the president and the positions review committee.
Q. Does the hiring freeze apply to part-time positions that are filled for the academic year?
A. Yes.
Q. Does the hiring freeze apply to reappointments of positions that were filled over the recent academic year?
A. No. Employees who will be returning to positions in the fall will not be subject to the hiring freeze.
Q. Is the administration considering any increase in health and safety personnel for testing, cleaning, and so on?
A. Yes.
Senior Staff Voluntary Pay Cut FAQs
Q. How were the senior staff voluntary pay cuts determined? How long will they last?
A. The amount of the cut was determined in consultation between the president and each senior staff member. Currently the cuts apply to the entire 2020-21 fiscal year, through June 30, 2021.
Q. Will each senior staff member’s voluntary pay cut be made public?
A. Out of consideration for privacy concerns, this information won't be made public.
Q. Could you speak to why the voluntary pay cut is limited to senior staff, and not just a percentage of the highest-paid employees? Will you look to making cuts to that tier before looking to the folks who earn $100,000 or less?
A. Our two chief goals in taking these steps were to avoid layoffs and mandatory salary cuts. Senior staff felt strongly that they should volunteer for a pay cut to help meet those goals. While we hope no further budget reduction measures will be necessary, if they are we will likely follow a tiered system.
Other FAQs
Q. If you’ve known about the possibility of budget deficits for months, why didn’t you give us more advance notice that these cuts were coming?
A. This is short notice, and for that we apologize. Although we knew there would likely be budget reductions that would impact employee benefits, we didn’t know what they would be until very recently. Gathering community input, dealing with the sheer complexity of the issues we face, and getting Board approval needed to happen before announcing these budget decisions.
Q. Will the College be considering rent increases for college-owned properties/housing?
A. The College will not be increasing the rents for college-owned properties rented to faculty and staff.
Q. Are faculty also subject to salary freezes?
A. They are, with the exception of salary increases tied to promotions.
Q. How are casual employees who have the expectation of regular hours and who have been getting paid currently affected? Will their hours be preserved?
A. We won't have an answer to this question until we have a better idea of what student enrollments will be this fall.