DWA - Diplomacy & World Affairs
- DWA 101 International Relations: The Changing Rules of the Game
- DWA 102 International Organizations
- DWA 103 Introduction to Global Political Economy
- DWA 152 Social Enterprise Practice and Theory
- DWA 193 Directed Research
- DWA 195 Topics in Diplomacy and World Affairs
- DWA 197 Independent Study
- DWA 200 A History of the Palestine-Israel Question
- DWA 210 Politics of Russia and Eurasia
- DWA 219 Democracy and Development in South Asia
- DWA 221 International Development
- DWA 222 Latin America Political Economy
- DWA 224 Latin American Politics
- DWA 225 Introduction to Human Rights
- DWA 226 Dilemmas of Democracy
- DWA 227 Authoritarianism in the Age of Globalization
- DWA 228 Democracy and Comparative Democratization
- DWA 229 Introduction to Human Rights: Focus on the Americas
- DWA 230 Gender and International Human Rights
- DWA 231 Gender and International Relations
- DWA 232 A Primer for Revolution
- DWA 233 African Political Thought
- DWA 234 Southern African Politics
- DWA 235 Nationalism and Ethnicity
- DWA 236 Ideology at the Extremes
- DWA 237 Cuba, Vietnam, China: Communism in a Post-Communist World
- DWA 238 Identity and Citizenship: The South Asian Diaspora
- DWA 239 European Politics
- DWA 240 Human Rights in Colombia: Comparative Perspectives
- DWA 241 International Relations of the Middle East
- DWA 245 China and the World
- DWA 246 The United States and East Asia
- DWA 248 Global Public Health
- DWA 250 International Security
- DWA 253 Security in Asia
- DWA 256 International Terrorism
- DWA 257 Social Movements in Comparative and Transnational Perspective
- DWA 258 The Global Politics of LGBT Rights
- DWA 259 Global Identities in a Post-Modern World
- DWA 260 Model United Nations
- DWA 270 What Do Countries Want and Why?
- DWA 280 Globalization and Development: Issues and Controversies
- DWA 282 Global Los Angeles
- DWA 283 Soft Power: How Nations Interact Without War
- DWA 284 Sports and Diplomacy in a Globalized World
- DWA 285 Diplomacy and War
- DWA 286 Public Diplomacy in the Americas
- DWA 288 Global Environmental Challenges and Politics
- DWA 290 Physics for Future Presidents
- DWA 293 Directed Research
- DWA 295 Topics in Diplomacy and World Affairs
- DWA 297 Independent Study
- DWA 298 Interdisciplinary Research Design in World Affairs
- DWA 299 Qualitative Methods and Research Design
- DWA 310 Junior Seminar: Religion and Politics
- DWA 320 Junior Seminar: Researching Transnational Social Movements
- DWA 329 Junior Seminar: Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons
- DWA 332 Junior Seminar: The South Asian Diaspora
- DWA 335 Junior Seminar: Theories of Revolution from Africa and the African Diaspora
- DWA 337 Junior Seminar: International Relations Theory
- DWA 340 Junior Seminar: Contemporary Issues in International and Human Rights Law
- DWA 342 Junior Seminar: Transnational Identity and International Relations
- DWA 344 Junior Seminar: Post-Conflict Reconstruction
- DWA 345 The State, Transnationalism, and Identity in Modern Societies
- DWA 351 Junior Seminar: Advanced Topics in Global Sustainability
- DWA 352 Junior Seminar: Water in the World: Issues, Conflicts, Prospects
- DWA 353 Junior Seminar: Comparative Authoritarianism
- DWA 355 Junior Seminar: Economic and Social Human Rights
- DWA 360 Who Develops? Research and Policy Making in International Development
- DWA 393 Directed Research
- DWA 395 Special Topics in Diplomacy and World Affairs
- DWA 397 Independent Study
- DWA 401 Special Topics at the United Nations
- DWA 402 United Nations and Conflict Prevention: Actors and Architecture
- DWA 403 The United Nations Experience
- DWA 410 Task Force in Diplomacy and World Affairs
- DWA 420 Peoples, States, and Wars: Revolutionary Readings
- DWA 490 Senior Seminar
- DWA 497 Independent Study