Virtual worship services, classes, and devotionals.
Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple, Los Angeles - Sunday services live streamed on Facebook at 10 am.
Hsi Lai Temple - Online services and dharma talks. English service live streamed Sundays from 1:30 to 2:30 pm.
All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena - Sunday services live streamed at 11:15 am and 1 pm.
Holy Family Church (Catholic), South Pasadena: Monday-Saturday services live streamed at 8:15 am; Saturday Vigil Mass live streamed at 5 pm; Sunday Mass live streamed at 9:30 am, 11:15 am and 5:30 pm.
First United Methodist, Pasadena: All sermons live streamed and posted on the website.
McCarty Memorial Christian Church, Los Angeles - Sunday services live streamed on Facebook at 10:45 am.
The Vedanta Society of Southern California - All services live streamed and posted on the website.
Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center - Services live streamed on Friday at 7:30 pm and Saturday at 9:30 am.
Vigilant Love - Hosting an IFTAR online on May 14. Click here to register.
Southern Islamic Center of California - Jum’a Prayer Services and Friday sermon live streamed at 1 pm.