• Update on 2016-17 CCSRM Discussion Items
  • Discussion of Possible Incusion of Restorative Justice Principles

I. Administrative

Today is our last formal meeting of the 2016-2017 Committee.  Our end of the year lunch will be on April 24, at 1pm in insert room. 

At the lunch, we will approve the minutes and report to the President. 

II. Update on 2016-2017 CCRSM discussion items

1. Communication of Reporting and Investigation Information

The Title IX Coordinator met with representative of communications department to discuss communication plan to assist with educating the community on reporting options and the complaint resolution process.  The goal is to prepare materials, web site changes and social media campaign for next year. 

2. Change to Federal Guidance

Title IX Coordinator attended conference last week of March to gather additional resources and information on

3. Gathered information on pride survey. Title IX Coordinator will submit or identify a more appropriate college representative. Title IX office will review and integrate materials provided by the Thom and the committee into next year’s communications

4. Gathered information on the reporting role of the Survivor Advocate re Clery and as a Responsible Employee. Further discussion by Clery team and Clery Administrator about adoption of controlling rules.

III. Discussion of Possible Inclusion of Restorative Justice Principles and additional Informal resolution measures. 

Is it possible to include restorative justice principles in addressing sexual violence?  In response to prior committee discussions and campus wide discussions about restorative justice, the Title IX office has started to explore this possibility.  The purpose of this discussion is to identify questions and issues to frame research not to resolve the issue. 

A. Description of Restorative Justice

How to

B. Description of the Informal Resolution Process

What are some additional ways to address sex discrimination e.g. harassment

What type of non-formal process would you prefer as an employee?  A student?

Is there a way to offer alternatives to a formal process without making individuals believe that they can not use the formal process?

Contact the Civil Rights & Title IX Office
AGC Administrative Center

 First Floor, Room 111