This page provides detailed information about on-campus housing for the upcoming year, including the application process, roommate selection, move-in and more.

students carrying boxes on campus

Move-in Day Guide

A guide to making your Fall 2021 move-in experience as smooth as possible!


If you have any questions about logging on to eRezlife, or you are having difficulty with your Oxy login credentials, please contact ITS at or by calling (323) 259-2880 during College business hours.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Office of Residential Education and Housing Services at or (323) 259-2531. Please note that REHS is working with many students and families during the months of June and July, and we will provide a response back to your questions as soon as we are able.

Again, welcome to Oxy! We are looking forward to welcoming you into our residence halls and onto campus this August!

Contact Residential Education & Housing Services
Berkus Hall

Office hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.