Students will have access to facilities at relevant times during the semester, after demonstrations on those facilities have been given.

Room 6 and Room 10 may be reserved for up to four hours at a time. If you do not show up within 15 minutes of your scheduled time, you will forfeit your reservation. Please note that once you reserve a room, no other student can reserve it for that time period. Therefore, if for any reason you decide not to use the room, you are obligated to cancel the reservation at least 24 hours beforehand. Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance (or by 4:00 p.m. on Fridays for weekend reservations) to use either of these rooms, and if you have not received a confirmation e-mail, you are not authorized to be in that space. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in loss of room reservation privileges as follows:

1st offense: A warning is issued.
2nd offense: The student loses room reservation privileges for a week.
3rd offense: The student loses room reservation privileges for a month.
4th offense: The student loses room reservation privileges for the semester.

To reserve Room 6 or Room 10, fill out an online Room Reservation Form.

Room 6 is great for recording voiceovers or Foley. If you are using the sound booth, please make sure to turn off all the equipment when you are finished. There is no eating in Room 6.

Room 10 is great for doing green screen work and can also be used for auditions. You may not use the projector without a faculty or staff member present. Remember that classes are held in Room 10 on a daily basis. When you are finished, please return the room to the way you found it.

Contact Media Arts & Culture
Weingart 109