A few upcoming dates and deadlines, including a reminder about tomorrow evening's Road to Occidental webinar.
New transfer students,
As the summer continues, there are several important upcoming dates for you to keep in mind. Please read carefully through this email to catch them all.
Road to Occidental Webinar
If you haven’t already, we encourage you to register for the upcoming Road to Occidental Webinar for transfer students and family members, happening on Wednesday, June 14 , at 5 p.m. PDT. Come with any questions you may have about arriving on campus at the end of August; Admission Office staff will be in attendance to answer your questions live. Please also keep in mind that this entire session is recorded; you will receive a link to that recording the following week for reference.
Meal Plans
While it’s still a couple of weeks away, you can prepare for the Meal Plan Form to open on Saturday, July 1 by taking a look at meal plan options so you’re ready to choose when the form goes live.
A few reminders:
- If you have not yet done so, activate your Occidental email and network account as soon as possible
Sunday, June 25
: Deadline to complete the 2023-24 Housing Form (if applicable)
To access the Housing Form, please visit: https://oxy.erezlife.com/ and select "apply for housing" - Saturday, July 1 : Deadline to complete the 2023-34 Advising Form
We hope your summer is off to a great start! Thanks for staying on top of everything we continue to send your way. More from us soon.