Regular Faculty

Professor Sarah Kozinn

Sarah Kozinn, Chair

Associate Professor, Theater & Performance Studies
B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., New York University; Post-doctorate Fellow, Occidental College
Sarah Kozinn teaches acting, literature and directs various productions.
Will Power

Will Power

Assistant Professor, Theater & Performance Studies
B.A., San Francisco State University
Will Power is an internationally renowned playwright, performer, lyricist and educator.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Jamie Angell

Resident Professor, Theater and Performance Studies
B.A., Dartmouth College; M.F.A., California Institute of the Arts
Professor Angell teaches Performance in Action, Children’s Theater, Comedy and Social Change, Audition workshop and also directs productions for the department.

Brian Fitzmorris

Resident Professor, Theater & Performance Studies
B.F.A., Carnegie-Mellon University
Professor Fitzmorris teaches courses in technical theater, producing and manages the three theaters on campus: Keck Theater, Thorne Hall, and Hillside Amphitheater.
Lee Li

Xinyuan Li

Visiting Assistant Professor, Theater and Performance Studies
BFA., Shanghai Theater Academy; MFA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Xinyuan Li is a scenic and lighting designer and visual artist based in California and Shanghai.
Professor Francisco Martinez

Francisco Martinez

Visiting Senior Instructor, Theater & Performance Studies
Francisco Martinez is Artistic Director of the Francisco Martinez Dancetheatre and a multi-award winning choreographer.
Laura McMillian

Aed McMillian

Resident Assistant Professor, Theater & Performance Studies
B.F.A., University of Montevallo; M.F.A., Hunter College
Aed McMillian is a multi-talented professional with a diverse background in costume design, drag performance, and visual arts.
Laural Meade

Laural Meade

Resident Professor, Theater & Performance Studies
A.B., Occidental College; M.F.A., UCLA
Laural Meade works as playwright, director, performer, and educator in her native Los Angeles.
Shivani Thakkar

Shivani Thakkar

Visiting Instructor, Theater and Performance Studies
B.A, University of Southern California
Actress, Dancer, Choreographer

Ezra Weisz

Visiting Assistant Professor, Theater & Performance Studies
B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.F.A., California Institute of the Arts
Ezra Weisz teaches the art of Tai Chi
Dawn Monique Williams

Dawn Monique Williams

Wanless Visiting Theater Artist
Dawn Monique Williams (she/her), an Oakland, CA native, served four years as Associate Artistic Director at Aurora Theatre Company.
Contact the Theater & Performance Studies Department
Keck Theater 202

Box Office: (323) 259-2922